Our Staff
Children's Ministries
There are plenty of opportunities for kids of all ages here at Unity!
We provide a nursery for infant through age 2. Our nursery is staffed with volunteers from the congregation.
Children's Worship
Children's Worship is an age appropriate worship service for ages 3 to second grade.
The children are dismissed following the offering at the front of the sanctuary.
You can retrieve them after the worship service from room #102 downstairs.
Sunday School
Every Sunday at 11am, (September through May), Preschool - 6th grade will combine for the first 40 minutes of the Sunday School hour: 20 minutes for singing songs of praise and 20 minutes for a Bible story. For the last 20 minutes of Sunday school, the Preschool - 2nd graders will do a Bible story related craft and the 3rd-6th graders will dig deeper into the Bible story.